Emergent Mind

LHC analysis-specific datasets with Generative Adversarial Networks

Published Jan 16, 2019 in hep-ex , cs.LG , and hep-ph


Using generative adversarial networks (GANs), we investigate the possibility of creating large amounts of analysis-specific simulated LHC events at limited computing cost. This kind of generative model is analysis specific in the sense that it directly generates the high-level features used in the last stage of a given physics analyses, learning the N-dimensional distribution of relevant features in the context of a specific analysis selection. We apply this idea to the generation of muon four-momenta in $Z \to \mu\mu$ events at the LHC. We highlight how use-case specific issues emerge when the distributions of the considered quantities exhibit particular features. We show how substantial performance improvements and convergence speed-up can be obtained by including regression terms in the loss function of the generator. We develop an objective criterion to assess the geenrator performance in a quantitative way. With further development, a generalization of this approach could substantially reduce the needed amount of centrally produced fully simulated events in large particle physics experiments.

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