Emergent Mind


The paper reports on an experiment, in which a Knowledge-Based Reinforcement Learning (KB-RL) method was compared to a Neural Network (NN) approach in solving a classical AI task. In contrast to NNs, which require a substantial amount of data to learn a good policy, the KB-RL method seeks to encode human knowledge into the solution, considerably reducing the amount of data needed for a good policy. By means of Reinforcement Learning (RL), KB-RL learns to optimize the model and improves the output of the system. Furthermore, KB-RL offers the advantage of a clear explanation of the taken decisions as well as transparent reasoning behind the solution. The goal of the reported experiment was to examine the performance of the KB-RL method in contrast to the Neural Network and to explore the capabilities of KB-RL to deliver a strong solution for the AI tasks. The results show that, within the designed settings, KB-RL outperformed the NN, and was able to learn a better policy from the available amount of data. These results support the opinion that Artificial Intelligence can benefit from the discovery and study of alternative approaches, potentially extending the frontiers of AI.

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