Emergent Mind


In this paper, we present the definition of generalized tensor function according to the tensor singular value decomposition (T-SVD) via the tensor T-product. Also, we introduce the compact singular value decomposition (T-CSVD) of tensors via the T-product, from which the projection operators and Moore Penrose inverse of tensors are also obtained. We also establish the Cauchy integral formula for tensors by using the partial isometry tensors and applied it into the solution of tensor equations. Then we establish the generalized tensor power and the Taylor expansion of tensors. Explicit generalized tensor functions are also listed. We define the tensor bilinear and sesquilinear forms and proposed theorems on structures preserved by generalized tensor functions. For complex tensors, we established an isomorphism between complex tensors and real tensors. In the last part of our paper, we find that the block circulant operator established an isomorphism between tensors and matrices. This isomorphism is used to prove the F-stochastic structure is invariant under generalized tensor functions. The concept of invariant tensor cones is also raised.

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