Emergent Mind


Isogeometric Analysis is a spline-based discretization method to partial differential equations which shows the approximation power of a high-order method. The number of degrees of freedom, however, is as small as the number of degrees of freedom of a low-order method. This does not come for free as the original formulation of Isogeometric Analysis requires a global geometry function. Since this is too restrictive for many kinds of applications, the domain is usually decomposed into patches, where each patch is parameterized with its own geometry function. In simpler cases, the patches can be combined in a conforming way. However, for non-matching discretizations or for varying coefficients, a non-conforming discretization is desired. An symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin (SIPG) method for Isogeometric Analysis has been previously introduced. In the present paper, we give error estimates that only depend poly-logarithmically on the spline degree. This opens the door towards the construction and the analysis of fast linear solvers, particularly multigrid solvers for non-conforming multipatch Isogeometric Analysis.

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