Emergent Mind

An ERP Implementation Method : Studying a Pharmaceutical Company

Published Nov 26, 2018 in cs.SE


Analysing the development process for an ERP solution, in our case SAP, is one of the most critical processes in implementing standard software packages. Modelling of the proposed system can facilitate the development of enterprise systems not from scratch but through use of predefined parts who represents the best knowledge captured from numerous case studies. This aim at abstracting the specification of the required information system as well as modelling the process towards this goal. Modelling plays a central role in the organisation of the information systems development process and the information systems community has developed a large number of conceptual models, systems of concepts, for representing conceptual schemata. In the area of ERP systems, because of the characteristics that distinguishes them, conceptual modelling can help in all aspects of the development process, from goal elicitation to reuse of the captured knowledge, through the use of the appropriate modelling schemata. SAP offers a standardised software solution, thus making easier the alignment of SAP requirements to enterprise requirements in a goal form, and the correspondent business processes.

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