Emergent Mind


The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is a linear time-frequency representation and a powerful tool for analyzing non-stationary signals. The synchrosqueezing transform (SST) is a special type of the reassignment method which not only enhances the energy concentration of CWT in the time-frequency plane, but also separates the components of multicomponent signals. The "bump wavelet" and Morlet's wavelet are commonly used continuous wavelets for the wavelet-based SST. There is a parameter in these wavelets which controls the widths of the time-frequency localization window. In most literature on SST, this parameter is a fixed positive constant. In this paper, we consider the CWT with a time-varying parameter (called the adaptive CWT) and the corresponding SST (called the adaptive SST) for instantaneous frequency estimation and multicomponent signal separation. We also introduce the 2nd-order adaptive SST. We analyze the separation conditions for non-stationary multicomponent signals with the local approximation of linear frequency modulation mode. We derive well-separated conditions of a multicomponent signal based on the adaptive CWT. We propose methods to select the time-varying parameter so that the corresponding adaptive SSTs of the components of a multicomponent signal have sharp representations and are well-separated, and hence the components can be recovered more accurately. We provide comparison experimental results to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed adaptive CWT and adaptive SST in separating components of multicomponent signals with fast varying frequencies.

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