Emergent Mind

Learning to Refine Source Representations for Neural Machine Translation

Published Dec 26, 2018 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Neural machine translation (NMT) models generally adopt an encoder-decoder architecture for modeling the entire translation process. The encoder summarizes the representation of input sentence from scratch, which is potentially a problem if the sentence is ambiguous. When translating a text, humans often create an initial understanding of the source sentence and then incrementally refine it along the translation on the target side. Starting from this intuition, we propose a novel encoder-refiner-decoder framework, which dynamically refines the source representations based on the generated target-side information at each decoding step. Since the refining operations are time-consuming, we propose a strategy, leveraging the power of reinforcement learning models, to decide when to refine at specific decoding steps. Experimental results on both Chinese-English and English-German translation tasks show that the proposed approach significantly and consistently improves translation performance over the standard encoder-decoder framework. Furthermore, when refining strategy is applied, results still show reasonable improvement over the baseline without much decrease in decoding speed.

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