Emergent Mind

Temporal Matching

Published Dec 20, 2018 in cs.DS


A link stream is a sequence of pairs of the form $(t,{u,v})$, where $t\in\mathbb N$ represents a time instant and $u\neq v$. Given an integer $\gamma$, the $\gamma$-edge between vertices $u$ and $v$, starting at time $t$, is the set of temporally consecutive edges defined by ${(t',{u,v}) | t' \in [t,t+\gamma-1]}$. We introduce the notion of temporal matching of a link stream to be an independent $\gamma$-edge set belonging to the link stream. We show that the problem of computing a temporal matching of maximum size is NP-hard as soon as $\gamma>1$. We depict a kernelization algorithm parameterized by the solution size for the problem. As a byproduct we also give a $2$-approximation algorithm. Both our $2$-approximation and kernelization algorithms are implemented and confronted to link streams collected from real world graph data. We observe that finding temporal matchings is a sensitive question when mining our data from such a perspective as: managing peer-working when any pair of peers $X$ and $Y$ are to collaborate over a period of one month, at an average rate of at least two email exchanges every week. We furthermore design a link stream generating process by mimicking the behaviour of a random moving group of particles under natural simulation, and confront our algorithms to these generated instances of link streams. All the implementations are open source.

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