Emergent Mind


Many Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications demand fast and accurate understanding of a few key events in their surrounding environment. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have emerged as an effective approach to understand speech, images, and similar high dimensional data types. Algorithmic performance of modern CNNs, however, fundamentally relies on learning class-agnostic hierarchical features that only exist in comprehensive training datasets with many classes. As a result, fast inference using CNNs trained on such datasets is prohibitive for most resource-constrained IoT platforms. To bridge this gap, we present a principled and practical methodology for distilling a complex modern CNN that is trained to effectively recognize many different classes of input data into an application-dependent essential core that not only recognizes the few classes of interest to the application accurately, but also runs efficiently on platforms with limited resources. Experimental results confirm that our approach strikes a favorable balance between classification accuracy (application constraint), inference efficiency (platform constraint), and productive development of new applications (business constraint).

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