Emergent Mind


Online game playing algorithms produce high-quality strategies with a fraction of memory and computation required by their offline alternatives. Continual Resolving (CR) is a recent theoretically sound approach to online game playing that has been used to outperform human professionals in poker. However, parts of the algorithm were specific to poker, which enjoys many properties not shared by other imperfect information games. We present a domain-independent formulation of CR applicable to any two-player zero-sum extensive-form games that works with an abstract resolving algorithm. We further describe and implement its Monte Carlo variant (MCCR) which uses Monte Carlo Counterfactual Regret Minimization (MCCFR) as a resolver. We prove the correctness of CR and show an $O(T{-1/2})$-dependence of MCCR's exploitability on the computation time. Furthermore, we present an empirical comparison of MCCR with incremental tree building to Online Outcome Sampling and Information-set MCTS on several domains.

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