Emergent Mind

The positivication of coalgebraic logics

Published Dec 18, 2018 in cs.LO


We present positive coalgebraic logic in full generality, and show how to obtain a positive coalgebraic logic from a boolean one. On the model side this involves canonically computing an endofunctor $T': Pos\to Pos$ from an endofunctor $T: Set\to Set$, in a procedure previously defined by the second author et alii called posetification. On the syntax side, it involves canonically computing a syntax-building functor $L': DL\to DL$ from a syntax-building functor $L: BA\to BA$, in a dual procedure which we call positivication. These operations are interesting in their own right and we explicitly compute posetifications and positivications in the case of several modal logics. We show how the semantics of a boolean coalgebraic logic can be canonically lifted to define a semantics for its positive fragment, and that weak completeness transfers from the boolean case to the positive case.

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