Emergent Mind

Detecting unseen visual relations using analogies

Published Dec 13, 2018 in cs.CV


We seek to detect visual relations in images of the form of triplets t = (subject, predicate, object), such as "person riding dog", where training examples of the individual entities are available but their combinations are unseen at training. This is an important set-up due to the combinatorial nature of visual relations : collecting sufficient training data for all possible triplets would be very hard. The contributions of this work are three-fold. First, we learn a representation of visual relations that combines (i) individual embeddings for subject, object and predicate together with (ii) a visual phrase embedding that represents the relation triplet. Second, we learn how to transfer visual phrase embeddings from existing training triplets to unseen test triplets using analogies between relations that involve similar objects. Third, we demonstrate the benefits of our approach on three challenging datasets : on HICO-DET, our model achieves significant improvement over a strong baseline for both frequent and unseen triplets, and we observe similar improvement for the retrieval of unseen triplets with out-of-vocabulary predicates on the COCO-a dataset as well as the challenging unusual triplets in the UnRel dataset.

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