Emergent Mind

Massively scalable Sinkhorn distances via the Nyström method

Published Dec 12, 2018 in stat.ML , cs.DS , cs.LG , and math.OC


The Sinkhorn "distance", a variant of the Wasserstein distance with entropic regularization, is an increasingly popular tool in machine learning and statistical inference. However, the time and memory requirements of standard algorithms for computing this distance grow quadratically with the size of the data, making them prohibitively expensive on massive data sets. In this work, we show that this challenge is surprisingly easy to circumvent: combining two simple techniquesthe Nystr\"om method and Sinkhorn scalingprovably yields an accurate approximation of the Sinkhorn distance with significantly lower time and memory requirements than other approaches. We prove our results via new, explicit analyses of the Nystr\"om method and of the stability properties of Sinkhorn scaling. We validate our claims experimentally by showing that our approach easily computes Sinkhorn distances on data sets hundreds of times larger than can be handled by other techniques.

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