Emergent Mind

A Branch and Price Algorithm for List Coloring Problem

Published Nov 30, 2018 in cs.DM


Coloring problems in graphs have been used to model a wide range of real applications. In particular, the List Coloring Problem generalizes the well-known Graph Coloring Problem for which many exact algorithms have been developed. In this work, we present a Branch-and-Price algorithm for the weighted version of the List Coloring Problem, based on the one developed by Mehrotra and Trick (1996) for the Graph Coloring Problem. This version considers non-negative weights associated to each color and it is required to assign a color to each vertex from predetermined lists in such a way the sum of weights of the assigned colors is minimum. Computational experiments show the good performance of our approach, being able to comfortably solve instances whose graphs have up to seventy vertices. These experiences also bring out that the hardness of the instances of the List Coloring Problem does not seem to depend only on quantitative parameters such as the size of the graph, its density, and the size of list of colors, but also on the distribution of colors present in the lists.

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