Emergent Mind

$Ψ$ec: A Local Spectral Exterior Calculus

Published Nov 29, 2018 in cs.NA , math.FA , and math.NA


We introduce $\Psi \mathrm{ec}$, a discretization of Cartan's exterior calculus of differential forms using wavelets. Our construction consists of differential $r$-form wavelets with flexible directional localization that provide tight frames for the spaces $\Omegar(\mathbb{R}n)$ of forms in $\mathbb{R}2$ and $\mathbb{R}3$. By construction, the wavelets satisfy the de Rahm co-chain complex, the Hodge decomposition, and that the $k$-dimensional integral of an $r$-form is an $(r-k)$-form. They also verify Stokes' theorem for differential forms, with the most efficient finite dimensional approximation attained using directionally localized, curvelet- or ridgelet-like forms. The construction of $\Psi \mathrm{ec}$ builds on the geometric simplicity of the exterior calculus in the Fourier domain. We establish this structure by extending existing results on the Fourier transform of differential forms to a frequency description of the exterior calculus, including, for example, a Plancherel theorem for forms and a description of the symbols of all important operators.

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