Emergent Mind


This paper describes a novel hierarchical attention network for reading comprehension style question answering, which aims to answer questions for a given narrative paragraph. In the proposed method, attention and fusion are conducted horizontally and vertically across layers at different levels of granularity between question and paragraph. Specifically, it first encode the question and paragraph with fine-grained language embeddings, to better capture the respective representations at semantic level. Then it proposes a multi-granularity fusion approach to fully fuse information from both global and attended representations. Finally, it introduces a hierarchical attention network to focuses on the answer span progressively with multi-level softalignment. Extensive experiments on the large-scale SQuAD and TriviaQA datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. At the time of writing the paper (Jan. 12th 2018), our model achieves the first position on the SQuAD leaderboard for both single and ensemble models. We also achieves state-of-the-art results on TriviaQA, AddSent and AddOne-Sent datasets.

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