Emergent Mind

Maximizing Multivariate Information with Error-Correcting Codes

Published Nov 27, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


Multivariate mutual information provides a conceptual framework for characterizing higher-order interactions in complex systems. Two well-known measures of multivariate informationtotal correlation and dual total correlationadmit a spectrum of measures with varying sensitivity to intermediate orders of dependence. Unfortunately, these intermediate measures have not received much attention due to their opaque representation of information. Here we draw on results from matroid theory to show that these measures are closely related to error-correcting codes. This connection allows us to derive the class of global maximizers for each measure, which coincide with maximum distance separable codes of order $k$. In addition to deepening the understanding of these measures and multivariate information more generally, we use these results to show that previously proposed bounds on information geometric quantities are tight at the extremes.

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