Emergent Mind


It is well known that deep learning approaches to face recognition and facial landmark detection suffer from biases in modern training datasets. In this work, we propose to use synthetic face images to reduce the negative effects of dataset biases on these tasks. Using a 3D morphable face model, we generate large amounts of synthetic face images with full control over facial shape and color, pose, illumination, and background. With a series of experiments, we extensively test the effects of priming deep nets by pre-training them with synthetic faces. We observe the following positive effects for face recognition and facial landmark detection tasks: 1) Priming with synthetic face images improves the performance consistently across all benchmarks because it reduces the negative effects of biases in the training data. 2) Traditional approaches for reducing the damage of dataset bias, such as data augmentation and transfer learning, are less effective than training with synthetic faces. 3) Using synthetic data, we can reduce the size of real-world datasets by 75% for face recognition and by 50% for facial landmark detection while maintaining performance. Thus, offering a means to focus the data collection process on less but higher quality data.

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