Emergent Mind

The sectional curvature of the infinite dimensional manifold of Hölder equilibrium prababilities

Published Nov 19, 2018 in math.DS , cond-mat.stat-mech , math-ph , math.DG , math.MP , and math.PR


Here we consider the discrete time dynamics described by a transformation $T:M \to M$, where $T$ is the shift and $M={1,2,...,d}\mathbb{N}$. It is known that the infinite-dimensional manifold $\mathcal{N}$ of H\"older equilibrium probabilities is an analytical manifold and carries a natural Riemannian metric. Given a normalized H\"older potential $A$ denote by $\muA \in \mathcal{N}$ the associated equilibrium probability. The set of tangent vectors $X$ to the manifold $\mathcal{N}$ at the point $\muA$ coincides with the kernel of the Ruelle operator for $A$. The Riemannian norm $|X|=|X|A$ of the vector $X$, which is tangent to $\mathcal{N}$ at the point $\muA$, is described via the asymptotic variance, that is, satisfies $|X|2\,\,= \langle X, X \rangle =\lim{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \int (\sum{i=0}{n-1} X\circ Ti )2 \,d \muA$. Consider an orthonormal basis $Xi$, $i \in \mathbb{N}$, for the tangent space at $\muA$. Given two unit tangent vectors $X$ and $Y$ the curvature $K(X,Y)$ satisfies $\,\,\,\,K(X,Y) = \frac{1}{4}[\, \sum{i=1}\infty ( \int X \,Y\, Xi \,d \muA)2 - \sum{i=1}\infty \int X2 Xi \,d \muA\, \,\int Y2 Xi \,d \muA \,].$ When the equilibrium probabilities $\muA$ is the set of invariant Markov probabilities on ${0,1}\mathbb{N}\subset \mathcal{N}$, introducing an orthonormal basis $\hat{a}y$, indexed by finite words $y$, we show explicit expressions for $K(\hat{a}x,\hat{a}z)$, which is a finite sum. These values can be positive or negative depending on $A$ and the words $x$ and $z$. Words $x,z$ with large length can eventually produce large negative curvature $K(\hat{a}x,\hat{a}z)$. If $x, z$ do not begin with the same letter, then $K(\hat{a}x,\hat{a}_z)=0$.

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