Emergent Mind


Humans naturally perceive a 3D scene in front of them through accumulation of information obtained from multiple interconnected projections of the scene and by interpreting their correspondence. This phenomenon has inspired artificial intelligence models to extract the depth and view angle of the observed scene by modeling the correspondence between different views of that scene. Our paper is built upon previous works in the field of unsupervised depth and relative camera pose estimation from temporal consecutive video frames using deep learning (DL) models. Our approach uses a hybrid learning framework introduced in a recent work called GeoNet, which leverages geometric constraints in the 3D scenes to synthesize a novel view from intermediate DL-based predicted depth and relative pose. However, the state-of-the-art unsupervised depth and pose estimation DL models are exclusively trained/tested on a few available outdoor scene datasets and we have shown they are hardly transferable to new scenes, especially from indoor environments, in which estimation requires higher precision and dealing with probable occlusions. This paper introduces "Indoor GeoNet", a weakly supervised depth and camera pose estimation model targeted for indoor scenes. In Indoor GeoNet, we take advantage of the availability of indoor RGBD datasets collected by human or robot navigators, and added partial (i.e. weak) supervision in depth training into the model. Experimental results showed that our model effectively generalizes to new scenes from different buildings. Indoor GeoNet demonstrated significant depth and pose estimation error reduction when compared to the original GeoNet, while showing 3 times more reconstruction accuracy in synthesizing novel views in indoor environments.

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