Emergent Mind


Due to cellular heterogeneity, cell nuclei classification, segmentation, and detection from pathological images are challenging tasks. In the last few years, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) approaches have been shown state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on histopathological imaging in different studies. In this work, we have proposed different advanced DCNN models and evaluated for nuclei classification, segmentation, and detection. First, the Densely Connected Recurrent Convolutional Network (DCRN) model is used for nuclei classification. Second, Recurrent Residual U-Net (R2U-Net) is applied for nuclei segmentation. Third, the R2U-Net regression model which is named UD-Net is used for nuclei detection from pathological images. The experiments are conducted with different datasets including Routine Colon Cancer(RCC) classification and detection dataset, and Nuclei Segmentation Challenge 2018 dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed DCNN models provide superior performance compared to the existing approaches for nuclei classification, segmentation, and detection tasks. The results are evaluated with different performance metrics including precision, recall, Dice Coefficient (DC), Means Squared Errors (MSE), F1-score, and overall accuracy. We have achieved around 3.4% and 4.5% better F-1 score for nuclei classification and detection tasks compared to recently published DCNN based method. In addition, R2U-Net shows around 92.15% testing accuracy in term of DC. These improved methods will help for pathological practices for better quantitative analysis of nuclei in Whole Slide Images(WSI) which ultimately will help for better understanding of different types of cancer in clinical workflow.

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