Emergent Mind


One of the more prominent trends within Industry 4.0 is the drive to employ Robotic Process Automation (RPA), especially as one of the elements of the Lean approach. The full implementation of RPA is riddled with challenges relating both to the reality of everyday business operations, from SMEs to SSCs and beyond, and the social effects of the changing job market. To successfully address these points there is a need to develop a solution that would adjust to the existing business operations and at the same time lower the negative social impact of the automation process. To achieve these goals we propose a hybrid, human-centered approach to the development of software robots. This design and implementation method combines the Living Lab approach with empowerment through participatory design to kick-start the co-development and co-maintenance of hybrid software robots which, supported by variety of AI methods and tools, including interactive and collaborative ML in the cloud, transform menial job posts into higher-skilled positions, allowing former employees to stay on as robot co-designers and maintainers, i.e. as co-programmers who supervise the machine learning processes with the use of tailored high-level RPA Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to adjust the functioning of the robots and maintain operational flexibility.

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