Emergent Mind

Kernel Conjugate Gradient Methods with Random Projections

Published Nov 5, 2018 in stat.ML , cs.LG , math.FA , math.OC , math.ST , and stat.TH


We propose and study kernel conjugate gradient methods (KCGM) with random projections for least-squares regression over a separable Hilbert space. Considering two types of random projections generated by randomized sketches and Nystr\"{o}m subsampling, we prove optimal statistical results with respect to variants of norms for the algorithms under a suitable stopping rule. Particularly, our results show that if the projection dimension is proportional to the effective dimension of the problem, KCGM with randomized sketches can generalize optimally, while achieving a computational advantage. As a corollary, we derive optimal rates for classic KCGM in the well-conditioned regimes for the case that the target function may not be in the hypothesis space.

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