Emergent Mind


We present a method that "meta" classifies whether seg-ments predicted by a semantic segmentation neural networkintersect with the ground truth. For this purpose, we employ measures of dispersion for predicted pixel-wise class probability distributions, like classification entropy, that yield heat maps of the input scene's size. We aggregate these dispersion measures segment-wise and derive metrics that are well-correlated with the segment-wise IoU of prediction and ground truth. This procedure yields an almost plug and play post-processing tool to rate the prediction quality of semantic segmentation networks on segment level. This is especially relevant for monitoring neural networks in online applications like automated driving or medical imaging where reliability is of utmost importance. In our tests, we use publicly available state-of-the-art networks trained on the Cityscapes dataset and the BraTS2017 dataset and analyze the predictive power of different metrics as well as different sets of metrics. To this end, we compute logistic LASSO regression fits for the task of classifying IoU=0 vs. IoU>0 per segment and obtain AUROC values of up to 91.55%. We complement these tests with linear regression fits to predict the segment-wise IoU and obtain prediction standard deviations of down to 0.130 as well as $R2$ values of up to 84.15%. We show that these results clearly outperform standard approaches.

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