Emergent Mind

Unauthorized AI cannot Recognize Me: Reversible Adversarial Example

Published Nov 1, 2018 in cs.CV and cs.LG


In this study, we propose a new methodology to control how user's data is recognized and used by AI via exploiting the properties of adversarial examples. For this purpose, we propose reversible adversarial example (RAE), a new type of adversarial example. A remarkable feature of RAE is that the image can be correctly recognized and used by the AI model specified by the user because the authorized AI can recover the original image from the RAE exactly by eliminating adversarial perturbation. On the other hand, other unauthorized AI models cannot recognize it correctly because it functions as an adversarial example. Moreover, RAE can be considered as one type of encryption to computer vision since reversibility guarantees the decryption. To realize RAE, we combine three technologies, adversarial example, reversible data hiding for exact recovery of adversarial perturbation, and encryption for selective control of AIs who can remove adversarial perturbation. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve comparable attack ability with the corresponding adversarial attack method and similar visual quality with the original image, including white-box attacks and black-box attacks.

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