Emergent Mind

Long Short-Term Attention

Published Oct 30, 2018 in cs.LG , cs.CL , and cs.NE


Attention is an important cognition process of humans, which helps humans concentrate on critical information during their perception and learning. However, although many machine learning models can remember information of data, they have no the attention mechanism. For example, the long short-term memory (LSTM) network is able to remember sequential information, but it cannot pay special attention to part of the sequences. In this paper, we present a novel model called long short-term attention (LSTA), which seamlessly integrates the attention mechanism into the inner cell of LSTM. More than processing long short term dependencies, LSTA can focus on important information of the sequences with the attention mechanism. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LSTA outperforms LSTM and related models on the sequence learning tasks.


  • The paper introduces Long Short-Term Attention (LSTA) as an enhancement to the traditional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, by integrating an attention mechanism directly into the LSTM cell to improve the model's ability to focus on critical information in sequences.

  • Extensive experiments on image classification (using MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets) and sentiment analysis (using IMDB, SemEval-2014, and a Twitter dataset) demonstrate that LSTA outperforms several advanced models in both performance accuracy and error rates.

  • The integration of attention mechanisms into LSTM has potential real-world implications for enhancing machine translation, speech recognition, and video analysis, and may inspire new architectures that mimic more nuanced aspects of human cognition.

Introducing Long Short-Term Attention (LSTA): A Smarter Way to Learn Sequences

Why Is This Important?

Have you ever wondered why our brains are so good at paying attention to the important stuff while ignoring distractions? The paper "Long Short-Term Attention" introduces a fascinating upgrade to the classic Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model used in AI. This upgrade, called Long Short-Term Attention (LSTA), aims to mimic this human ability, making machines better at focusing on critical information in sequences.

The Shortcomings of LSTM

LSTM models are widely used for sequence learning tasks such as speech recognition and text analysis. They do a fantastic job of remembering sequential information, thanks to their intricate network of gates: input, forget, and output gates. However, they fall short in one key area: attention. Traditional LSTM models process all parts of a sequence uniformly, which means they lack the ability to focus on the most important elements.

Enter Long Short-Term Attention (LSTA)

The LSTA model aims to solve this by integrating an attention mechanism directly into the LSTM cell. Unlike existing methods that add attention after LSTM has processed the entire sequence, LSTA builds attention into the basic unit of sequence processing. This means that while the model is learning or predicting, it can pay special attention to critical elements in real-time.

Attention Gate: The Core of LSTA

The secret sauce of LSTA is the attention gate. It works in coordination with the input and forget gates of LSTM to determine what part of the input should be given priority. Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Attention elements and candidate attention values are computed using the sigmoid and tanh functions, respectively.
  • These values are then combined to adjust the cell state and output.

This integration allows LSTA to zero in on important segments of the sequence, just like how you might focus on the most pressing parts of an email while skimming less important details.

Strong Numerical Results

Now, let’s talk numbers. The researchers conducted extensive experiments to test LSTA in two main areas: image classification and sentiment analysis:

Image Classification

  • Datasets: MNIST and Fashion-MNIST
  • Models Compared: LSTM, GRU, Bi-LSTM, and NLSTM

The LSTA model outperformed all these traditional and advanced models:

  • MNIST Accuracy: LSTA - 97.85%, better than the previous best (Bi-LSTM) with 97.81%
  • Fashion-MNIST Accuracy: LSTA - 88.60%, which tops the chart against the previous best (NLSTM) with 88.32%

Sentiment Analysis

  • Datasets: IMDB, SemEval-2014 (Restaurant and Laptop domains), and a Twitter dataset from Dong et al.
  • Models Compared: LSTM, HDBN, Cabasc, and ATAE-LSTM

In this context, LSTA also led the pack:

  • IMDB Error Rate: LSTA achieved the lowest error rate and the fastest running time.
  • SemEval-2014 and Twitter: LSTA achieved the highest accuracy and Macro-F1 scores compared to other models, proving its advantage in handling both classical and aspect-based sentiment analysis.

Implications and Future Developments

The integration of attention mechanisms directly into LSTM cells is more than just a neat trick; it has real-world implications:

  • Practical Applications: Enhanced performance in tasks like machine translation, speech recognition, and video analysis.
  • Theoretical Progress: The method could inspire new architectures aimed at mimicking more nuanced aspects of human cognition.

Looking ahead, this method opens doors for further research into even more intelligent sequence models. Imagine applications in real-time systems where distinguishing between crucial and non-crucial information isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential.


The paper introduces Long Short-Term Attention (LSTA) as a significant enhancement over traditional LSTM models, particularly in sequence learning tasks. By integrating an attention mechanism directly into the LSTM cell, LSTA outperforms several existing models in both image classification and sentiment analysis. This approach not only sets a new performance benchmark but also opens up exciting possibilities for future research and practical applications in AI.

So, if you're working with sequence data and feel that traditional LSTM models aren't cutting it, the LSTA model might be just what you need to take your projects to the next level. Happy coding!

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