Emergent Mind

Logical gates embedding in Artificial Spin Ice

Published Oct 22, 2018 in cond-mat.dis-nn , cond-mat.stat-mech , and cs.ET


The realization and study of arrays of interacting magnetic nanoislands, such as artificial spin ices, have reached mature levels of control that allow design and demonstration of exotic, collective behaviors not seen in natural materials. Advances in the direct manipulation of their local, binary moments also suggest a use as nanopatterned, interacting memory media, for computation {\it within} a magnetic memory. Recent experimental work has demonstrated the possibility of building logic gates from clusters of interacting magnetic domains, and yet the possibility of large scale integration of such gates can prove problematic even at the theoretical level. Here we introduce theoretically complete sets of logical gates, in principle realizable in an experiment, and we study the feasibility of their integration into tree-like circuits. By evaluating the fidelity control parameter between their collective behavior and their expected logic functionality we determine conditions for integration. Also, we test our numerical results against the presence of disorder in the couplings, showing that the design gate structure is robust to small coupling perturbations, and thus possibly to small imperfections in the fabrication of the islands.

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