Emergent Mind

On DC based Methods for Phase Retrieval

Published Oct 22, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


In this paper, we develop a new computational approach which is based on minimizing the difference of two convex functionals (DC) to solve a broader class of phase retrieval problems. The approach splits a standard nonlinear least squares minimizing function associated with the phase retrieval problem into the difference of two convex functions and then solves a sequence of convex minimization sub-problems. For each subproblem, the Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent algorithm or the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) algorithm is used. In the setting of sparse phase retrieval, a standard $\ell1$ norm term is added into the minimization mentioned above. The subproblem is approximated by a proximal gradient method which is solved by the shrinkage-threshold technique directly without iterations. In addition, a modified Attouch-Peypouquet technique is used to accelerate the iterative computation. These lead to more effective algorithms than the Wirtinger flow (WF) algorithm and the Gauss-Newton (GN) algorithm and etc.. A convergence analysis of both DC based algorithms shows that the iterative solutions is convergent linearly to a critical point and will be closer to a global minimizer than the given initial starting point. Our study is a deterministic analysis while the study for the Wirtinger flow (WF) algorithm and its variants, the Gauss-Newton (GN) algorithm, the trust region algorithm is based on the probability analysis. In particular, the DC based algorithms are able to retrieve solutions using a number $m$ of measurements which is about twice of the number $n$ of entries in the solution with high frequency of successes. When $m\approx n$, the $\ell1$ DC based algorithm is able to retrieve sparse signals.

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