Emergent Mind


During the last two decades, it has been increasingly acknowledged that the engineering of information systems usually requires a huge effort in integrating master data and business processes. This has led to a plethora of proposals, both from academia and the industry. However, such approaches typically come with ad-hoc abstractions to represent and interact with the data component. This has a twofold disadvantage. On the one hand, they cannot be used to effortlessly enrich an existing relational database with dynamics. On the other hand, they generally do not allow for integrated modelling, verification, and enactment. We attack these two challenges by proposing a declarative approach, fully grounded in SQL, that supports the agile modelling of relational data-aware processes directly on top of relational databases. We show how this approach can be automatically translated into a concrete procedural SQL dialect, executable directly inside any relational database engine. The translation exploits an in-database representation of process states that, in turn, is used to handle, at once, process enactment with or without logging of the executed instances, as well as process verification. The approach has been implemented in a working prototype.

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