Emergent Mind

Exploring Sentence Vector Spaces through Automatic Summarization

Published Oct 16, 2018 in cs.CL , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Given vector representations for individual words, it is necessary to compute vector representations of sentences for many applications in a compositional manner, often using artificial neural networks. Relatively little work has explored the internal structure and properties of such sentence vectors. In this paper, we explore the properties of sentence vectors in the context of automatic summarization. In particular, we show that cosine similarity between sentence vectors and document vectors is strongly correlated with sentence importance and that vector semantics can identify and correct gaps between the sentences chosen so far and the document. In addition, we identify specific dimensions which are linked to effective summaries. To our knowledge, this is the first time specific dimensions of sentence embeddings have been connected to sentence properties. We also compare the features of different methods of sentence embeddings. Many of these insights have applications in uses of sentence embeddings far beyond summarization.

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