Emergent Mind

Automatic Configuration of Deep Neural Networks with EGO

Published Oct 10, 2018 in cs.LG , cs.NE , and stat.ML


Designing the architecture for an artificial neural network is a cumbersome task because of the numerous parameters to configure, including activation functions, layer types, and hyper-parameters. With the large number of parameters for most networks nowadays, it is intractable to find a good configuration for a given task by hand. In this paper an Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithm is adapted to automatically optimize and configure convolutional neural network architectures. A configurable neural network architecture based solely on convolutional layers is proposed for the optimization. Without using any knowledge on the target problem and not using any data augmentation techniques, it is shown that on several image classification tasks this approach is able to find competitive network architectures in terms of prediction accuracy, compared to the best hand-crafted ones in literature. In addition, a very small training budget (200 evaluations and 10 epochs in training) is spent on each optimized architectures in contrast to the usual long training time of hand-crafted networks. Moreover, instead of the standard sequential evaluation in EGO, several candidate architectures are proposed and evaluated in parallel, which saves the execution overheads significantly and leads to an efficient automation for deep neural network design.

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