Emergent Mind

Random matrix-improved estimation of covariance matrix distances

Published Oct 10, 2018 in math.PR , cs.LG , math.ST , and stat.TH


Given two sets $x1{(1)},\ldots,x{n1}{(1)}$ and $x1{(2)},\ldots,x{n2}{(2)}\in\mathbb{R}p$ (or $\mathbb{C}p$) of random vectors with zero mean and positive definite covariance matrices $C1$ and $C2\in\mathbb{R}{p\times p}$ (or $\mathbb{C}{p\times p}$), respectively, this article provides novel estimators for a wide range of distances between $C1$ and $C2$ (along with divergences between some zero mean and covariance $C1$ or $C2$ probability measures) of the form $\frac1p\sum{i=1}n f(\lambdai(C1{-1}C2))$ (with $\lambdai(X)$ the eigenvalues of matrix $X$). These estimators are derived using recent advances in the field of random matrix theory and are asymptotically consistent as $n1,n2,p\to\infty$ with non trivial ratios $p/n1<1$ and $p/n_2<1$ (the case $p/n_2>1$ is also discussed). A first "generic" estimator, valid for a large set of $f$ functions, is provided under the form of a complex integral. Then, for a selected set of $f$'s of practical interest (namely, $f(t)=t$, $f(t)=\log(t)$, $f(t)=\log(1+st)$ and $f(t)=\log2(t)$), a closed-form expression is provided. Beside theoretical findings, simulation results suggest an outstanding performance advantage for the proposed estimators when compared to the classical "plug-in" estimator $\frac1p\sum{i=1}n f(\lambdai(\hat C1{-1}\hat C2))$ (with $\hat Ca=\frac1{na}\sum{i=1}{na}xi{(a)}xi{(a){\sf T}}$), and this even for very small values of $n1,n2,p$.

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