Emergent Mind

MPI Windows on Storage for HPC Applications

Published Oct 9, 2018 in cs.DC


Upcoming HPC clusters will feature hybrid memories and storage devices per compute node. In this work, we propose to use the MPI one-sided communication model and MPI windows as unique interface for programming memory and storage. We describe the design and implementation of MPI storage windows, and present its benefits for out-of-core execution, parallel I/O and fault-tolerance. In addition, we explore the integration of heterogeneous window allocations, where memory and storage share a unified virtual address space. When performing large, irregular memory operations, we verify that MPI windows on local storage incurs a 55% performance penalty on average. When using a Lustre parallel file system, asymmetric performance is observed with over 90% degradation in writing operations. Nonetheless, experimental results of a Distributed Hash Table, the HACC I/O kernel mini-application, and a novel MapReduce implementation based on the use of MPI one-sided communication, indicate that the overall penalty of MPI windows on storage can be negligible in most cases in real-world applications.

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