Emergent Mind


The Blackbird unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dataset is a large-scale, aggressive indoor flight dataset collected using a custom-built quadrotor platform for use in evaluation of agile perception.Inspired by the potential of future high-speed fully-autonomous drone racing, the Blackbird dataset contains over 10 hours of flight data from 168 flights over 17 flight trajectories and 5 environments at velocities up to $7.0ms-1$. Each flight includes sensor data from 120Hz stereo and downward-facing photorealistic virtual cameras, 100Hz IMU, $\sim190Hz$ motor speed sensors, and 360Hz millimeter-accurate motion capture ground truth. Camera images for each flight were photorealistically rendered using FlightGoggles across a variety of environments to facilitate easy experimentation of high performance perception algorithms. The dataset is available for download at http://blackbird-dataset.mit.edu/

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