Emergent Mind


Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is used in many security systems due to its small key size and high security as compared to the other cryptosystems. In many well-known security systems substitution box (S-box) is the only non-linear component. Recently, it is shown that the security of a cryptosystem can be improved by using dynamic S-boxes instead of a static S-box. This fact necessitates the construction of new secure S-boxes. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for the generation of S-boxes based on a class of Mordell elliptic curves (MECs) over prime fields by defining different total orders. The proposed scheme is developed in such a way that for each input it outputs an S-box in linear time and constant space. Due to this property, our method takes less time and space as compared to all existing S-box construction methods over elliptic curve. Furthermore, it is shown by the computational results that the proposed method is capable of generating cryptographically strong S-boxes with comparable security to some of the existing S-boxes constructed over different mathematical structures.

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