Emergent Mind

Nonconvex Robust Low-rank Matrix Recovery

Published Sep 24, 2018 in cs.IT and math.IT


In this paper we study the problem of recovering a low-rank matrix from a number of random linear measurements that are corrupted by outliers taking arbitrary values. We consider a nonsmooth nonconvex formulation of the problem, in which we explicitly enforce the low-rank property of the solution by using a factored representation of the matrix variable and employ an $\ell1$-loss function to robustify the solution against outliers. We show that even when a constant fraction (which can be up to almost half) of the measurements are arbitrarily corrupted, as long as certain measurement operators arising from the measurement model satisfy the so-called $\ell1/\ell_2$-restricted isometry property, the ground-truth matrix can be exactly recovered from any global minimum of the resulting optimization problem. Furthermore, we show that the objective function of the optimization problem is sharp and weakly convex. Consequently, a subgradient Method (SubGM) with geometrically diminishing step sizes will converge linearly to the ground-truth matrix when suitably initialized. We demonstrate the efficacy of the SubGM for the nonconvex robust low-rank matrix recovery problem with various numerical experiments.

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