Emergent Mind

Multimodal Dual Attention Memory for Video Story Question Answering

Published Sep 21, 2018 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.CL , and cs.MM


We propose a video story question-answering (QA) architecture, Multimodal Dual Attention Memory (MDAM). The key idea is to use a dual attention mechanism with late fusion. MDAM uses self-attention to learn the latent concepts in scene frames and captions. Given a question, MDAM uses the second attention over these latent concepts. Multimodal fusion is performed after the dual attention processes (late fusion). Using this processing pipeline, MDAM learns to infer a high-level vision-language joint representation from an abstraction of the full video content. We evaluate MDAM on PororoQA and MovieQA datasets which have large-scale QA annotations on cartoon videos and movies, respectively. For both datasets, MDAM achieves new state-of-the-art results with significant margins compared to the runner-up models. We confirm the best performance of the dual attention mechanism combined with late fusion by ablation studies. We also perform qualitative analysis by visualizing the inference mechanisms of MDAM.

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