Emergent Mind

p-Bits for Probabilistic Spin Logic

Published Sep 11, 2018 in cs.ET and cond-mat.dis-nn


We introduce the concept of a probabilistic or p-bit, intermediate between the standard bits of digital electronics and the emerging q-bits of quantum computing. We show that low barrier magnets or LBM's provide a natural physical representation for p-bits and can be built either from perpendicular magnets (PMA) designed to be close to the in-plane transition or from circular in-plane magnets (IMA). Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ) built using LBM's as free layers can be combined with standard NMOS transistors to provide three-terminal building blocks for large scale probabilistic circuits that can be designed to perform useful functions. Interestingly, this three-terminal unit looks just like the 1T/MTJ device used in embedded MRAM technology, with only one difference: the use of an LBM for the MTJ free layer. We hope that the concept of p-bits and p-circuits will help open up new application spaces for this emerging technology. However, a p-bit need not involve an MTJ, any fluctuating resistor could be combined with a transistor to implement it, while completely digital implementations using conventional CMOS technology are also possible. The p-bit also provides a conceptual bridge between two active but disjoint fields of research, namely stochastic machine learning and quantum computing. First, there are the applications that are based on the similarity of a p-bit to the binary stochastic neuron (BSN), a well-known concept in machine learning. Three-terminal p-bits could provide an efficient hardware accelerator for the BSN. Second, there are the applications that are based on the p-bit being like a poor man's q-bit. Initial demonstrations based on full SPICE simulations show that several optimization problems including quantum annealing are amenable to p-bit implementations which can be scaled up at room temperature using existing technology.

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