Emergent Mind


Most conventional photometric stereo algorithms inversely solve a BRDF-based image formation model. However, the actual imaging process is often far more complex due to the global light transport on the non-convex surfaces. This paper presents a photometric stereo network that directly learns relationships between the photometric stereo input and surface normals of a scene. For handling unordered, arbitrary number of input images, we merge all the input data to the intermediate representation called {\it observation map} that has a fixed shape, is able to be fed into a CNN. To improve both training and prediction, we take into account the rotational pseudo-invariance of the observation map that is derived from the isotropic constraint. For training the network, we create a synthetic photometric stereo dataset that is generated by a physics-based renderer, therefore the global light transport is considered. Our experimental results on both synthetic and real datasets show that our method outperforms conventional BRDF-based photometric stereo algorithms especially when scenes are highly non-convex.

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