Emergent Mind

The Deconfounded Recommender: A Causal Inference Approach to Recommendation

Published Aug 20, 2018 in cs.IR , cs.LG , and stat.ML


The goal of recommendation is to show users items that they will like. Though usually framed as a prediction, the spirit of recommendation is to answer an interventional questionfor each user and movie, what would the rating be if we "forced" the user to watch the movie? To this end, we develop a causal approach to recommendation, one where watching a movie is a "treatment" and a user's rating is an "outcome." The problem is there may be unobserved confounders, variables that affect both which movies the users watch and how they rate them; unobserved confounders impede causal predictions with observational data. To solve this problem, we develop the deconfounded recommender, a way to use classical recommendation models for causal recommendation. Following Wang & Blei [23], the deconfounded recommender involves two probabilistic models. The first models which movies the users watch; it provides a substitute for the unobserved confounders. The second one models how each user rates each movie; it employs the substitute to help account for confounders. This two-stage approach removes bias due to confounding. It improves recommendation and enjoys stable performance against interventions on test sets.

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