Emergent Mind

On Geometric Analysis of Affine Sparse Subspace Clustering

Published Aug 17, 2018 in eess.SP , cs.CV , and cs.LG


Sparse subspace clustering (SSC) is a state-of-the-art method for segmenting a set of data points drawn from a union of subspaces into their respective subspaces. It is now well understood that SSC produces subspace-preserving data affinity under broad geometric conditions but suffers from a connectivity issue. In this paper, we develop a novel geometric analysis for a variant of SSC, named affine SSC (ASSC), for the problem of clustering data from a union of affine subspaces. Our contributions include a new concept called affine independence for capturing the arrangement of a collection of affine subspaces. Under the affine independence assumption, we show that ASSC is guaranteed to produce subspace-preserving affinity. Moreover, inspired by the phenomenon that the $\ell_1$ regularization no longer induces sparsity when the solution is nonnegative, we further show that subspace-preserving recovery can be achieved under much weaker conditions for all data points other than the extreme points of samples from each subspace. In addition, we confirm a curious observation that the affinity produced by ASSC may be subspace-densewhich could guarantee the subspace-preserving affinity of ASSC to produce correct clustering under rather weak conditions. We validate the theoretical findings on carefully designed synthetic data and evaluate the performance of ASSC on several real data sets.

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