Emergent Mind

Protecting the Grid against IoT Botnets of High-Wattage Devices

Published Aug 11, 2018 in cs.SY


We provide methods to prevent line failures in the power grid caused by a newly revealed MAnipulation of Demand (MAD) attacks via an IoT botnet of high-wattage devices. In particular, we develop two algorithms named Securing Additional margin For generators in Economic dispatch (SAFE) Algorithm and Iteratively MiniMize and boUNd Economic dispatch (IMMUNE) Algorithm for finding robust operating points for generators during the economic dispatch such that no lines are overloaded after automatic primary control response to any MAD attacks. In situations that the operating cost of the grid in a robust state is costly (or no robust operating points exist), we provide efficient methods to verify--in advance--if possible line overloads can be cleared during the secondary control after any MAD attacks. We then define the $\alpha D$-robustness notion for the grids indicating that any line failures can be cleared during the secondary control if an adversary can increase/decrease the demands by $\alpha$ fraction. We demonstrate that practical upper and lower bounds on the maximum $\alpha$ for which the grid is $\alpha D$-robust can be found efficiently in polynomial time. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the developed algorithms and methods on realistic power grid test cases. Our work provides the first methods for protecting the grid against potential line failures caused by MAD attacks.

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