Emergent Mind


We introduce Error Forward-Propagation, a biologically plausible mechanism to propagate error feedback forward through the network. Architectural constraints on connectivity are virtually eliminated for error feedback in the brain; systematic backward connectivity is not used or needed to deliver error feedback. Feedback as a means of assigning credit to neurons earlier in the forward pathway for their contribution to the final output is thought to be used in learning in the brain. How the brain solves the credit assignment problem is unclear. In machine learning, error backpropagation is a highly successful mechanism for credit assignment in deep multilayered networks. Backpropagation requires symmetric reciprocal connectivity for every neuron. From a biological perspective, there is no evidence of such an architectural constraint, which makes backpropagation implausible for learning in the brain. This architectural constraint is reduced with the use of random feedback weights. Models using random feedback weights require backward connectivity patterns for every neuron, but avoid symmetric weights and reciprocal connections. In this paper, we practically remove this architectural constraint, requiring only a backward loop connection for effective error feedback. We propose reusing the forward connections to deliver the error feedback by feeding the outputs into the input receiving layer. This mechanism, Error Forward-Propagation, is a plausible basis for how error feedback occurs deep in the brain independent of and yet in support of the functionality underlying intricate network architectures. We show experimentally that recurrent neural networks with two and three hidden layers can be trained using Error Forward-Propagation on the MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets, achieving $1.90\%$ and $11\%$ generalization errors respectively.

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