Emergent Mind


While recent deep monocular depth estimation approaches based on supervised regression have achieved remarkable performance, costly ground truth annotations are required during training. To cope with this issue, in this paper we present a novel unsupervised deep learning approach for predicting depth maps and show that the depth estimation task can be effectively tackled within an adversarial learning framework. Specifically, we propose a deep generative network that learns to predict the correspondence field i.e. the disparity map between two image views in a calibrated stereo camera setting. The proposed architecture consists of two generative sub-networks jointly trained with adversarial learning for reconstructing the disparity map and organized in a cycle such as to provide mutual constraints and supervision to each other. Extensive experiments on the publicly available datasets KITTI and Cityscapes demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and competitive results with state of the art methods. The code and trained model are available on https://github.com/andrea-pilzer/unsup-stereo-depthGAN.

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