Emergent Mind

Talent Flow Analytics in Online Professional Network

Published Jul 23, 2018 in cs.SI


Analyzing job hopping behavior is important for understanding job preference and career progression of working individuals. When analyzed at the workforce population level, job hop analysis helps to gain insights of talent flow among different jobs and organizations. Traditionally, surveys are conducted on job seekers and employers to study job hop behavior. Beyond surveys, job hop behavior can also be studied in a highly scalable and timely manner using a data driven approach in response to fast-changing job landscape. Fortunately, the advent of online professional networks (OPNs) has made it possible to perform a large-scale analysis of talent flow. In this paper, we present a new data analytics framework to analyze the talent flow patterns of close to 1 million working professionals from three different countries/regions using their publicly-accessible profiles in an established OPN. As OPN data are originally generated for professional networking applications, our proposed framework re-purposes the same data for a different analytics task. Prior to performing job hop analysis, we devise a job title normalization procedure to mitigate the amount of noise in the OPN data. We then devise several metrics to measure the amount of work experience required to take up a job, to determine that existence duration of the job (also known as the job age), and the correlation between the above metric and propensity of hopping. We also study how job hop behavior is related to job promotion/demotion. Lastly, we perform connectivity analysis at job and organization levels to derive insights on talent flow as well as job and organizational competitiveness.

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