Emergent Mind


The rapid development of cloud services and their implementation in secondary education require an increase in the IC-competence of teachers during non-formal education. The implementation of cloud services will make it possible to create some conditions for learning mobility of all participants of teaching and learning activities. The rapid development of cloud services and their implementation in secondary education require an increase in the IC-competence of teachers during non-formal education. The implementation of cloud services will make it possible to create some conditions for learning mobility of all participants of teaching and learning activities. The paper analyzes the main forms of the organization of teachers learning (workshops, trainings and summer schools). The special features of the non-formal teachers ICT training include the availability of high-speed Internet and some computer equipment. The obtained basic and additional services allow teachers to make the extensive use of cloud services for different activities, namely the organization of students group work and inverted learning, team-work on projects, assistance during homework, preparation for contests, conducting web-quests.

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