Emergent Mind

Codes with hierarchical locality from covering maps of curves

Published Jul 15, 2018 in cs.IT , math.AG , and math.IT


Locally recoverable (LRC) codes provide ways of recovering erased coordinates of the codeword without having to access each of the remaining coordinates. A subfamily of LRC codes with hierarchical locality (H-LRC codes) provides added flexibility to the construction by introducing several tiers of recoverability for correcting different numbers of erasures. We present a general construction of codes with 2-level hierarchical locality from maps between algebraic curves and specialize it to several code families obtained from quotients of curves by a subgroup of the automorphism group, including rational, elliptic, Kummer, and Artin-Schreier curves. We further address the question of H-LRC codes with availability, and suggest a general construction of such codes from fiber products of curves. Detailed calculations of parameters for H-LRC codes with availability are performed for Reed-Solomon- and Hermitian-like code families. Finally, we construct asymptotically good families of H-LRC codes from curves related to the Garcia-Stichtenoth tower.

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