Emergent Mind

A network-based citation indicator of scientific performance

Published Jul 12, 2018 in cs.DL , cs.SI , and physics.soc-ph


Scientists are embedded in social and information networks that influence and are influenced by the quality of their scientific work, its impact, and the recognition they receive. Here we quantify the systematic relationship between a scientist's position in the network of scientific collaborations and the citations they receive. As expected, we find that authors closer to others in this network are, on average, more highly cited than those further away from others. We construct a novel indicator, the s-index, that explicitly captures performance linked to network position along two complimentary dimensions: performance expected due to network position and performance relative to this position. The basis of our approach is to represent an author's network position through their distribution of distances to other authors. The s-index then ranks (1) the citation potential of an individual's network position relative to all other authors, and (2) the citations they accrue relative to authors that have a comparable network position. Characterizing scientists through these two complimentary dimensions can be used to make more informed evaluations in a networked environment. For example, it can identify individuals that play an important role in diffusing scientific ideas. It also sheds a new light on central debates in the Science of Science, namely the impact of author teams and comparisons of impact across scientific fields.

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