Emergent Mind

Practical Program Repair via Bytecode Mutation

Published Jul 10, 2018 in cs.SE


Software debugging is tedious, time-consuming, and even error-prone by itself. So, various automated debugging techniques have been proposed in the literature to facilitate the debugging process. Automated Program Repair (APR) is one of the most recent advances in automated debugging, and can directly produce patches for buggy programs with minimal human intervention. Although various advanced APR techniques (including those that are either search-based or semantic-based) have been proposed, the simplistic mutation-based APR technique, which simply uses pre-defined mutation operators (e.g., changing a>=b into a>b) to mutate programs for finding patches, has not yet been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we implement the first practical bytecode-level APR technique, PraPR, and present the first extensive study on fixing real-world bugs (e.g., Defects4J bugs) using bytecode mutation. The experimental results show that surprisingly even PraPR with only the basic traditional mutators can produce genuine patches for 18 bugs. Furthermore, with our augmented mutators, PraPR is able to produce genuine patches for 43 bugs, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art APR. It is also an order of magnitude faster, indicating a promising future for bytecode-mutation-based APR.

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