Emergent Mind


We present a sampling-based kinodynamic planning framework for a bipedal robot in complex environments. Unlike other footstep planner which typically plan footstep locations and the biped dynamics in separate steps, we handle both simultaneously. Three advantages of this approach are (1) the ability to differentiate alternate routes while selecting footstep locations based on the temporal duration of the route as determined by the Linear Inverted Pendulum Model dynamics, (2) the ability to perform collision checking through time so that collisions with moving obstacles are prevented without avoiding their entire trajectory, and (3) the ability to specify a minimum forward velocity for the biped. To generate a dynamically consistent description of the walking behavior, we exploit the Phase Space Planner. To plan a collision free route toward the goal, we adapt planning strategies from non-holonomic wheeled robots to gather a sequence of inputs for the PSP. This allows us to efficiently approximate dynamic and kinematic constraints on bipedal motion, to apply a sampling based planning algorithms, and to use the Dubin's path as the steering method to connect two points in the configuration space. The results of the algorithm are sent to a Whole Body Controller to generate full body dynamic walking behavior.

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